Dignity Lifts

Dignity Lifts ogo

Wake Up Your Legs! - Get Rid of Paresthesia

Paresthia, commonly know as “pins and needles” or “legs falling asleep” causes falls. Lack of circulation, blocks nerve activity, which affect balance. Stay safe, learn these simple techniques to restore feeling in your legs. Bathroom paresthia can be caused by raised toilet seats or a toilet that is too high. This video helps you wake up your legs.

We hope you like our videos. We are trying to keep people from getting stuck on the toilet.

We are also using the end of the videos to show people what a toilet lift is, and how it can help them in the future.

left chair one

Our Deluxe Lift - DL1

Commercial Lift - CL1

Commercial Lift - CL1

Basic Toilet Lift - BL1

Basic Toilet Lift -BL1

If you find you might need a Toilet Lift, we would love to talk to you.